With the ever shifting changes in regulation and complexities placed in the purchase/origination process, regulators have made it difficult for small business owners to get a loan at their bank or credit union. QuarterSpot has created a technology to help facilitate, moderate, and simplify the loan cycle for consumers and financial institutions. Leveraging technology and the use of big data has allowed QuarterSpot to issue attractively priced capital with flexible terms, at the convenience and speed today's borrower has come to expect. 

Simplify the Processes

Learn more about how banks and credit unions are using technology to originate, underwrite, and more intelligently asses risk for loans under $250,000. FASI assists FIs in better serving consumers who are in dire need of quick capital. 

Grow your Portfolio

Whether you are restricted by a lending cap, want to assist declined applicants, or simply just looking to grow, FASI assists in creating custom programs to experience the surge your FI is looking for. 


If you are a credit union that would like to learn more about our unique business lending CUSO, contact Greg Raab at greg@fasinate.com